3 initiatives that help women balance career and motherhood without guilt

B2Mamy, MamaJobs and SCOOTO were created to reduce the dilemma between mothers’ professional and personal lives.

The article published by Forbes reveals that almost US$11 trillion would be the value of mothers’ annual contribution to the world’s economy if their main job – caring – were paid. This figure comes from Oxfam, which also found that women together devote 12.5 billion hours every day to raising their children and maintaining their families.

The dilemma of the female universe becomes more acute as the economic challenges advance because, more often than not, mothers have to take care of the children and bring income into the home.

With a team made up 100% of women and mothers, Scooto is a company that specializes in humanized customer service, through a highly qualified Customer Service department, but with remote and flexible positions.

“The aim is to offer better working conditions so that these women can generate income while raising their children, without feeling guilty for not being there,” explains Marina Vaz, founder and CEO of Scooto.

Read the full article published by Forbes

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