B2B sales: learn how to succeed in this business model

What is B2B sales? ?

The B2B sales strategy, which stands for business to business, takes place when a company sells products or services to another company. Unlike the B2C model, which is the sale that takes place from a company to the end consumer, B2B transactions involve negotiations between companies.

In B2B sales, the products or services sold are often intended to support the operations of the buying company. This can include inputs for production, equipment, systems and software, outsourced service, consultancy services, among others.

You may have heard of the term “complex sales” referring to transactions between companies. This is because the B2B sales process is often characterized by a longer sales cycle and deeper business relationships. In this model, purchasing decisions are usually made by various stakeholders within the buying company, requiring more consultative and strategic sales approaches, which makes it more complex than the B2C sales process.

What kind of products are traded on the B2B market?

As we have already seen, some of the products that can be sold on the intercompany market are consulting services, outsourced services, equipment and inputs for production, among other products.

There are also companies that work with both sales models and supply products to both end consumers and purchasing companies. An excellent example are telephone operators and internet providers, which have specific services for companies.

B2B vs. B2C: what’s the difference?

The biggest difference between B2B and B2C sales strategies is linked to the target audience and the nature of the transactions. In the B2B model, the focus is on meeting the needs of other companies, while in B2C the target is the end consumer.

In B2C, transactions are direct with the end consumer, involving products or services intended for personal use. Purchasing decisions are often impulsive, influenced by emotional factors and convenience. The sales cycle is generally shorter, with a more direct approach aimed at the individual consumer.

In B2B, on the other hand, negotiations are more complex, as the buying companies have specific needs related to their operations. The products and services negotiated are often aimed at improving operational efficiency, increasing productivity or offering customized solutions. Purchasing decisions involve various stakeholders within the company, requiring more consultative and strategic approaches.

What are the advantages of investing in B2B sales?

Investing in B2B sales can bring several advantages to the company and contribute to its sustainable growth. Here are some significant advantages your company can gain by investing in B2B sales:

  • Solid relationships: B2B transactions tend to result in stronger and longer-lasting business relationships with customers, as long as the experience provided is positive. In this way, the company is more likely to continue doing business with its customers for longer periods of time, providing greater revenue stability and less dependence on the entry of new customers.
  • Greater personalization of the customer experience: the more specific approach of B2B sales allows for greater personalization of the customer experience. Understanding the unique needs of each corporate client and offering customized solutions contributes to customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Higher profit margin: with a more personalized experience and a more consultative service in B2B sales, the company has the possibility of pricing its products with higher profit margins compared to direct sales to the consumer.

How to prospect for B2B leads?

Prospecting for leads is the crucial step before making a sale. In the B2B model, this prospecting carries the mission of warming up a potential client and making them understand how the solution offered by the company is exactly what they need. To do this, you need to study pre-sales step by step and have a qualified team to turn leads into active customers.

Here are some steps in B2B prospecting:

  • Study the target audience: carry out an in-depth analysis to understand the characteristics and needs of your target audience, identifying behavioral patterns, common challenges and specific opportunities within the segment.
  • Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management): implement a CRM to manage information on leads, interactions and communication history. Track the progress of negotiations, keep organized records and customize approaches based on this information.
  • Create a routine for contacts and follow-ups: develop a structured routine for making regular contacts and follow-ups with leads. Maintain consistency in interactions, providing relevant information and building a closer relationship.
  • Use pre-sales techniques: use pre-sales techniques to understand the customer’s needs before presenting a solution. Carry out detailed research on potential customers and prepare more personalized approaches.
  • Have a qualified team: finally, the most important step is to have a qualified team to convert leads into active customers. Without qualified professionals, strategies can fall apart. Invest in employee training and qualifications or look for outsourced solutions.

    Scooto helps your company with B2B prospecting.

Why do I get objections in B2B sales?

Objections can be the result of various factors. Here are three examples:

  • Poorly qualified leads: one of the main causes of objections is poorly qualified leads. When the sales team approaches companies that are not aligned with the customer’s ideal profile, they are likely to encounter resistance. One solution is to refine the criteria for qualifying leads, ensuring that only truly interested companies with potential are approached. This saves time and resources by focusing on the most promising opportunities.
  • Insecurity about the product or service: a lack of confidence or understanding about what is being offered can lead to various objections. If leads don’t clearly see the value of the solution, they are likely to resist closing deals. So make sure you provide as much information as possible, present success stories and demonstrate how your offer can solve the company’s specific problems.
  • Misalignment with the customer’s needs: if the sales approach is not aligned with the customer’s specific needs, many objections can arise. The customer needs to see clearly how your offer meets their demands. Therefore, make an in-depth analysis of the customer’s needs before presenting your solution.

How to avoid objections?

Understanding the source of possible objections is the first step to avoiding them. Knowing that they can be the result of poorly qualified leads, who are unsure about the product or who don’t clearly see how your offer can be the ideal solution for them, here are 3 tips for avoiding objections in B2B sales :

  • Have your company’s ICP well defined: define your prospecting criteria: company size, position to be prospected and the pain you can solve. So only contact leads that fit your company’s ICP (Ideal Customer Profile).
  • Don’t present your proposal to just anyone: no matter how incredible your proposal is, there’s no point in presenting it to a secretary or an assistant, who won’t decide whether or not your service is a good fit for the company. Trying to sell your service to anyone, you’ll always encounter objections like “we’re not hiring new partners” or “we’re not interested”. They are a bridge to get you to the person who will actually provide the solution to that company’s pain.
  • Be an expert in what you sell: if you have a toothache and go to the dentist, for example, it’s not common to distrust the medicine he prescribes for your pain, because you know he’s an expert on the subject. The same goes for the pre-sales process. If the lead sees you as an expert and believes that what you’re proposing will really provide solutions for the company, they’ll object less during a negotiation.

How to train the sales team to break down objections?

Now that you know how to avoid objections in B2B sales, you’ll need a qualified and skilled sales team to break down objections before they even appear. Here are some tips to help your sales team break down objections:

  • Record everything about the lead: a good CRM system will help a lot at this stage. Create detailed material about the lead with information about their interests, their questions and constantly supply them with all the relevant information you receive during the calls. This way, for the next interactions, the salesperson will have a range of information that will help them to say why this lead needs the solutions on offer, as well as answering all their possible questions.
  • Validate objections: the lead must never feel that their point of view is being invalidated by the salesperson. Replace the “you don’t understand” or “that’s not quite it” speech with “look at it this way” or “look at this example from our client”. Always have concrete data and customer cases to illustrate what you’re talking about. This is a great way to answer objections without invalidating them.
  • Keep listening actively: it is by listening to the lead’s pain that the salesperson will be able to offer solutions to real problems. Train your prospecting team to listen more and talk less during the negotiation.

Lead prospecting at Scooto generates over 90% conversion in Fintech

If you want to start prospecting B2B leads, Scooto can help you. Click here to get in touch with a Customer Services specialist.

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